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Legal Notice

Batcapt company


Registered trademark : INPI code 5075653 from 9th august 2024

Company owned by
Vincent RECIPON, whose head office is
13b, square de l’échiquier in 49000 Angers and registered with the Trade and Company Register (R.C.S.) of Angers.
SIRET : 910 411 438 00013
APE Code : 6820A

Publication director : Vincent RECIPON
Webmaster : Vincent RECIPON
e-mail :

Intellectual property

Patent application filed : INPI code FR2409125 from 28th august 2024



Private limited company with a capital of 10 069 020€
2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France
Company registered with the Trade and Company Register (R.C.S) of Lille under the SIRET 42476141900045
APE Code : 2620Z
Phone number : 08 90 10 93 91